Cube (1360.00 MB)
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It’s day 2 of sci-fi week at Movie Loner. If you suffer from claustrophobia you may want to avoid Cube, a gripping nightmare of a movie that is certain to freak you out. You could easily include this in the horror genre but a dystopian setting and the integral role of math/science to the plot firmly positions Cube in the sci-fi category. It was filmed in Canada and directed by Vincenzo Natali, who believe it or not is from Detroit.
Seven strangers wake up inside a cubical labyrinth. Each person is there for a specific reason: the cop, the architect, the math student, the doctor, the fugitive, the autistic, and one man who falls victim before we learn his identity. The six remaining prisoners convene to find a way out. Each cube is a different color with a set of engraved numbers. Some are harmless, others are armed with wicked traps designed to kill.
Utilizing their combined knowledge and skills, the six devise a formula to navigate the deadly maze. Their ability to work together and maintain sanity is the key to survival. The longer they stay incarcerated the more desperate they become. Panic takes hold. Some seek personal preservation while the rest adhere to the group mentality. Can they reach the outer shell of the monstrous catacomb or will they destroy each other along the way?

Cube is a truly frightening movie. Fear of entrapment is inherent in all of us, as is the sense of helplessness that comes with it. Natali keys on these basic emotions in his characters. He keeps hope at a minimum which adds to the terror. The relatively unknown cast is solid, delivering diverse performances that endear us to them. A simple story executed with ingenious preciseness, Cube is deserving of finding a larger audience. Stay tuned tomorrow for day 3 of sci-fi week here at Movie Loner. Until then…
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